
Family and friends will travel from far and wide to be with you on your special day. You'll need a variety of options nearby to accommodate couples, families and friend groups, on and around your wedding day.

We'll find the perfect local accommodation for your wedding guests so they can relax and celebrate with you.

We make it easy for visiting friends and family to enjoy a break while attending your Tweed Coast wedding.   Get in touch with us to arrange priority accommodation for you and your guests.   If you’d like, we can even contact them directly via email* with special offers and suggestions for the perfect stay.  

Take one thing off your list and leave accommodation planning to us!

Simply upload a list of guest contacts – just first name and email address will do – using the form field below if you’d like to get started on securing their accommodation asap  (*We will not store their addresses or send them any other communications unless they proceed to booking with us). 

Wedding pic:  Pipi and Palm

Your host on the Tweed Coast